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“A level of fear in my body comes from generations of being on the run, of hiding, of seeking safety in all sorts of very potent ways. That fear that keeps my body running is not the thing that's going to help me discern now where to put my attention, where to find allyship, how to cultivate the sort of resilient communities and connections that are actually going to keep all peoples protected and safe.”

-Jo Kent Katz

We dig into a topic that has come up in many of the conversations on this podcast: intergenerational trauma. The study of this phenomenon is relatively new, but it’s resonated with many Jews whose ancestors’ survived violence and persecution. To take a closer look at this, Clarissa talks to Jo Kent Katz, a Therapist, Ritualist, and Political Educator. In 2020, Jo launched a website called “Transcending Jewish Trauma” to help Jews unpack and heal from inherited unconscious beliefs and behaviors associated with ancestral trauma. Included on the website is a map that explores the many manifestations of collective trauma experienced by Ashkenazi Jews living in the US.


On Wandering is going on hiatus!

To find out what comes next, subscribe to our email list here.

Learn more about Jo Kent Katz at jokentkatz.com

Find Jo’s map at transcendingjewishtrauma.com

You can follow Clarissa on Twitter and Instagram @ClarissaRMarks

To request a transcript, or just say “hi,” send an email to hello@onwandering.co

If you liked this episode try out “Finding Crypto-Jewish Ancestors w/Researcher and Historian Genie Milgrom,” or “Jewish Ethnicity, Jewish Joy, Mizrahi Culture, and Decolonizing Jewishness, with Yasmine Esther.

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This episode was produced and presented by Clarissa Marks with music by Gillicuddy.

This episode was recorded on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past, present, and emerging. As a land-based people in diaspora, we recognize first nations and indigenous people as the stewards of this land from time immemorial. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.




Ashkenazi Herbalism with Deatra Cohen and Adam Siegel


Jewish Ethnicity, Jewish Joy, Mizrahi Culture, and Decolonizing Jewishness, with Yasmine Esther