Ashkenazi Herbalism with Deatra Cohen and Adam Siegel

Ashkenazi Herbalism with Deatra Cohen and Adam Siegel

Deatra Cohen and Adam Siegel have explored the world of Jewish medicinal plant healers within the communities of the Pale of Settlement in Eastern Europe, and written a book to share their findings. As trained librarians and linguists, Deatra and Adam were uniquely suited to uncover these practices that lasted from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era, hidden by language barriers and obscure documents. The book is eye-opening and includes the first materia medica of 26 plants and herbs essential to Ashkenazi folk medicine. In this interview, Deatra and Adam discuss their research process, the legacy of Ashkenazi herbalism, and how their experiences as Jews interacted with their work.

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Transcending Jewish Trauma with Jo Kent Katz

Transcending Jewish Trauma with Jo Kent Katz

Clarissa digs into a topic that has come up in many of the conversations on this podcast; Intergenerational Trauma. The study of this phenomenon is relatively new, but it’s resonated with many Jews whose ancestors’ survived violence and persecution. To take a closer look at this, she talks to Jo Kent Katz, a Therapist, Ritualist, and Political Educator. In 2020, Jo launched a website called “Transcending Jewish Trauma” to help Jews unpack and heal from inherited unconscious beliefs and behaviors associated with ancestral trauma. Included on the website is a map that explores the many manifestations of collective trauma experienced by white Ashkenazi Jews living in the US.

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Jewish New York with Dr. Deborah Dash Moore
Deep Dive, Culture, Politics, American Jews, History Clarissa Marks Deep Dive, Culture, Politics, American Jews, History Clarissa Marks

Jewish New York with Dr. Deborah Dash Moore

Clarissa talks with Dr. Deborah Dash Moore, a professor of Jewish History, about a city that holds a special place for American Jews and Jewish culture: New York City. They talk about her book “Jewish New York,” how Jews transformed the city of New York, and how the city transformed them.

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Finding Crypto-Jewish Ancestors w/Researcher and Historian Genie Milgrom

Finding Crypto-Jewish Ancestors w/Researcher and Historian Genie Milgrom

Genie was raised Catholic, but always had an inkling her family was actually Jewish. After years of investigation, she was able to trace her family tree back to 16th century Jews on the Iberian Peninsula. Along the way, Genie became a historian and advocate for Crypto and Converso Jews; Jews whose ancestors were forced to convert to Catholicism during the inquisitions. She’s authored several books about her work, including a cookbook documenting a treasure trove of family recipes found in her mother’s house with a rather unique recipe for so-called “pork chops.”

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White Jews & Race w/Dr. Elliot Ratzman

White Jews & Race w/Dr. Elliot Ratzman

Clarissa talks to Dr. Elliot Ratzman, a professor in Jewish studies, race, and social justice in religion. They discuss the contemporary intersection of white Jews and race, including the questions you weren’t sure how to ask, like “What race are white Jews?”, “How should they partner with other minorities for civil rights?”, and “How does modern antisemitism come into play?” Dr. Ratzman shares the history behind these questions, the importance of self-identification, and his thoughts on Jewish ethics in regards to racial justice.

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